Family Law FAQ
What’s the first step in this process?
Please contact us directly by calling our office at 407-843-1744. We promise to devote the time necessary to understand your circumstances and priorities and then make appropriate recommendations to guide you.
What kind of time and costs will I need to budget?
Every family’s values are different. We will sit down with you and carefully assess your situation and provide you with our best estimates based on decades of experience in these matters. We offer a variety of services we can tailor especially for you. The N. Diane Holmes, P.A. Family Law Group also offers collaborative divorce services that often can significantly reduce costs. Please visit our Collaborative Divorce section to learn whether this method might be an appropriate option for you
What is your best advice?
It’s important to remember to take care of you.
What are some links you recommend?
Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida
For addressing Domestic Violence:
– Harbor House of Central Florida
– SafeHouse of Seminole